It's Apple Picking Season!

It's Apple Picking Season!

Apple Cider Donuts, is that you?!

It’s starting to cool down and the days are getting shorter. Even though we may not be able to go to the beach, there are so many more options that open up during the fall season; the first being Apple Picking!

Here are some Apple Picking tips from the experts:

  • Apples on the outside of the tree are the most ripe
  • If you have to use force to get the apple off the tree, its not ready
  • Make sure to keep the stem on the apple so it stays fresher longer
  • Apples bruise easily so be gentle
  • Want to save them for another day? Refrigerate your apples

Of course, with every great outing, comes an even greater outfit! The combinations are endless, but here are a few of our favorite looks:

The Classic. Plaid flannel, jeans, and boots. Depending on the weather, you can add a vest for added warmth. This versatile look complements every body type, and couples can even grab matching outfits!

Blundstone boots are notorious for pairing with almost any fall outfit, you can dress them up or down as you like. So, if you don’t already have a pair, I would highly suggest grabbing some.

It is worth mentioning again, that depending on the weather, you may want to adjust your outfit. 

If it was recently raining, you may want a look with a more waterproof boot, like these Hunter boots so perfectly put together by Peachfullychic. These will make sure your feet stay dry if you end up walking through some muddier areas, and you can always bring another pair of boots to change into afterwards.

And just in case, if flannel isn’t your thing, you can always grab an oversized sweater instead and pair with your favorite accessories to dress up your apple picking attire. Of course, this look still pairs perfectly with your favorite Blundstone boots.

Know of a great place for Apple picking in New York? Leave a comment below.


Happy Picking!

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